I feel very lethargic this morning. It's a beautiful day outside, I've got the day off... so why do I feel so blah? It may have something to do with Mr. Unknown who hacked into our Rogers account through the phone and proceeded to order 3 iPhones. It's a little shocking to open up your online bill and find out that it's $500 bigger than normal. What??? I couldn't have used THAT much air time...
Joey contacted the Rogers help center to see what the inconsistency was all about. The first clue that it was fraud was that our address had been changed from MacG to some apartment unit in Ontario. Hmmm... either Joey was on something when he gave the information, or our Rep was on something when he took the information. Thankfully the person (we'll call him Mr. T) recognized the foul play right away and put a pause to our account. Joey didn't have to argue his point at all--Mr. T was quite willing to explain what had happened and get someone from the Fraud department on our case immediately. And he should have... it was our Rep that did not follow protocol and let Mr. Unknown abuse our account.
Joey and I have been speculating as to WHY our Rep didn't see the error in this situation. First off, obviously Mr. Unknown called in with the right information--which is completely disconcerting. Rep doesn't get criticised on this point. But when Mr. Unknown asked how many phones can be linked to an account and then ordered 3 of the most expensive phones, Rep should have clued in. WHO in their right mind would EVER need 3 iPhones??? It seems even more ridiculous when you consider that Joey and I have the cheapest phones we could get... We think that Rogers people get some sort of benefit with the more they sell (or something like that). Therefore, Rep was quite happy to sell 3 iPhones. Cha-ching!
The whole problem doesn't seem so bad right now... I talked to my mom about it, and she reminded me that Mr. Unknown's offense isn't against me, but against God. I suppose our role is to forgive Mr. Unknown, even if he never knows or cares to know how we fared out in the end. If I don't forgive Mr. Unknown because I won't get any credit if I do, then I'm worse than Rep seeking benefits by selling more iPhones.
That's it for news today. Joey and I are going to the Zoo today to hopefully see something other than monkey bums. Enjoy the warm weather!