can there really be a life in there?

Friday, August 07, 2009

It's been... well... another week here at the camp. I can't say that I feel like I accomplished very much. I do my part when it comes to all worship team affiliations--picking songs, organizing the binders, setting up the power point presentation, setting up sound, and making sure any bugs stay very far from all electronic devices. In that area I've kept very busy. But now it seems as if this year's camp season is very well off and set in its ways--who am I to interfere or stick my head where it hasn't been thus far? I'm not too worked up about it, though. I get more time to nap and prepare for BABY!

I guess you could say that my excitement has increased majorly ever since Wednesday. Joey and I went to our first midwife appointment in Brandon. Before I get into the really neat details, I'll just let you know that I think midwifery is DEFINITELY the way to go! I got to skip all the dumb blood tests that don't even apply to me because midwives aren't paid per visit, per hour, per test. A lot of responsibility is placed on you, the soon-to-be parents, to decide exactly what path you want to pursue during pregnancy. My visits are not just 10 minutes long, but a whole hour. YES, I am excited about this!

Anyways... on to the really, REALLY cool stuff! Joey and I heard the baby's heartbeat! It was so small... and so fast! Joey said it sounded like a pow-wow in my tummy. I don't know if that's flattering or not... At this point there was only one baby's heartbeat, but there could quite possibly be another hiding in there. I've heard of women who don't know they are carrying twins until TWO WEEKS BEFORE. Yikes. I'm not opposed to it, but I'd like a little notice! And, with the presence of the twin gene quite strong on both my and Joey's side of the family, it is plausible. Wouldn't that be something? I'd double my parent's yeild in one shot!

I'm sitting at the end of a long white table burning picture CD after picture CD... and this is how I'm spending my time. My back is aching because of poor posture, and my sweet tooth is really hard to ignore. Sigh. Maybe I'll just bury myself in a pregnancy book or two.
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