Evidently blogging has not been on my priority list. I’m still caught up in trying to figure out a schedule with Baby Boy. I’m beginning to see some patterns in the day, but it’s too early to count on those. Life with a baby is very different! And that, my friends, is the understatement of the day.
Here’s a sample of day-to-day life in the Sawatzky house:
4:00 am-night time eating session. I have discovered that laying down to feed baby-o does not work. Joey gets up and changes his little bum, then plops him down on the pillow in front of me. I then spend the next 30-40 minutes trying my hardest to keep my eyes open while Joey snores on. I then attempt to put Judah into the playard and swaddle him without stirring the pot. Usually successful.
7:00 am-a very hungry, very grumpy Judah wakes up and makes his sentiments known. Daddy comes in and grabs him, attempting to entertain him while Mommy takes out her retainer (yes, I will wear it for the rest of my life), uses the facilities, and happily adjusts to being awake (he he… oh, who am I kidding?) Commence eating.
8:00 am-Daddy takes charge. He enjoys some happy Judah smiles and pumps him full of Vitamin D. Mommy eats breakfast.
8:30 am-Mommy’s flying solo now. The next hour and a half are spent a)enjoying more Judah smiles b)pacing the house with a disgruntled little man c)spending far too much time attempting to get Judah to sleep d)doing as much laundry, cleaning, yada yada as possible while baby snoozes. Oh, and showering.
10:00 am-Commence eating session #3.
10:40 am-12:00 pm-this time slot is entirely dedicated to doing whatever makes Mr. Man happy. This is of great importance if the rest of the day is going to be happy. I prefer to spend this time in the great outdoors, but the weather is not always accommodating. In that case, we spend the time singing silly songs, sitting in bounce chairs (yes, I have my own), and looking at giraffes. Giraffes are pretty much the best thing in the world, doncha know?
12:00 pm-a.k.a. “Mommy’s break time”. Joseph is home for the next hour, and we switch off with Baby until we are both fed and happy. Periodically, Baby decides he wants to sleep during this time. This is obviously the desired result to all the aforementioned stimulation.
1:00 pm-chug a lug a lug.
1:40 pm-more happy baby time! And then we ruin it all by putting him down for a nap. Don’t worry—it doesn’t take him long to fall asleep.
4:00 pm-Tasty goodness, followed by an afternoon walk. Phil&teds, I heart you.
5:30 pm-Pops is home, and we eat something nutritious. That is to say, supper is not made by me. The following hours are quite fussy, as a rule. Sigh. At least there’s two of us to share the load.
7:00 pm-What? more food? Little porker. :) This is usually followed by sleep. Baby puts up a mighty good fight, but we win in the end.
9:30 pm-Bath time! Oh how we love our baths.
10:00 pm-last feeding of the day. Judah is out for the count. And so are we.
There you have it. That is a typical day… if there’s such a thing. Everything written above is subject to change, of course. And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
Pictures later, I promise.