our christmas shenanigans and such

Monday, December 29, 2014

I can see that at has been a while. So.

Hello, world!

We're a little older, and some of us are a little bigger than we were before, but we're still what we've always been. Busy, learning, growing, changing, living, laughing, loving, crying, forgiving.

It's become clear to me that I do not have the will to carry on with this blog in the way I once had dreamed. It has become more of a place for me to collect some of my favourite photographs of my family, and that is all right with me. Although I'm not entirely decided at this point, I think I may engage in a 365 project come the start of the new year. If that's the case, then you'll see (much shorter) posts from me a lot more often. But I make no promises. Neglecting my blog is one thing that I choose to feel absolutely no guilt about. ;)

Until such a time, I will leave you with evidence that a wonderful Christmas was had by this little family in this little corner of the universe. Enjoy!

summer days

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I have a confession: I don't like summer. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I hate  it, but for years I have... ahem... not been a fan. There are many and various reasons why I prefer the colder months, and none of them are interesting or important enough to mention. So, this year, I vowed I would love summer. I would embrace the heat, wear the shorts, & do the activities that make summertime memorable for little ones. Because, really, my whole reason to enjoy summer is that I want my children to enjoy it like I did when I was little. 

It's felt extremely full already, and it's just half over! It hasn't really been easy, though. Joey has been on a crazy work schedule of 12 days on, two days off the entire summer long (except for his week of holidays). But I have made the most of it. I have recognized God's grace in being able to embrace the craziness of it all and enjoy His blessings in the midst of chaos. My parents have helped out so much - giving me little breaks when I need it, and taking time with each of my littles. Now, as August is just around the corner, I'm breathing a contented sigh of relief. 

And now, nothing remains but for me to prove how awesome this summer has been with a flurry of photos captured with my workhorse of an i Phone. And, I'm sorry for the duplicates. :) 


Friday, June 27, 2014

It's been a morning of hard lessons. Lessons on how we don't hit to get our way. Lessons on how to end an argument by simply walking away. Lessons on grace and the forgiveness that Jesus supplies.

And, for me, lessons on taming my tongue and giving them the gentleness that they need - the gentleness I don't feel in the midst of a selfish scream-fest.

Enduring through trials, as mentioned in the Scriptures, doesn't just have to do with the world out there.

Those trials (especially) exist behind the walls of my own house. Between myself and my own children. Within my own heart.

I need to equip myself with the armour of God, not only when I head out past the realm of what I (quite incorrectly, I'm afraid) believe I can control, but also simply to withstand the constant attacks of my own sinful nature.

It is a never-ending assault, dear friends, and one we will never be freed of this side of heaven. 

I need to stop fighting this battle behind closed doors, and start showing my weaknesses to those I love, especially my children, so they can better understand God's grace and his sanctification.  

No one is perfect, and more-so, no one can ever be perfect. The more I pretend to be so in front of my children, the harder it gets to reign in the dark things about myself that I long to hide.  The more they will falsely believe that perfection is somehow attainable. The more the Gospel becomes tainted and, really, ceases to be the Gospel at all. 

Let them know me as Andrea Sawatzky, a sinner saved by grace. Let them know Him as the God in whom righteousness is found and grace abounds.

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