I have a confession: I don't like summer. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I hate it, but for years I have... ahem... not been a fan. There are many and various reasons why I prefer the colder months, and none of them are interesting or important enough to mention. So, this year, I vowed I would love summer. I would embrace the heat, wear the shorts, & do the activities that make summertime memorable for little ones. Because, really, my whole reason to enjoy summer is that I want my children to enjoy it like I did when I was little.
It's felt extremely full already, and it's just half over! It hasn't really been easy, though. Joey has been on a crazy work schedule of 12 days on, two days off the entire summer long (except for his week of holidays). But I have made the most of it. I have recognized God's grace in being able to embrace the craziness of it all and enjoy His blessings in the midst of chaos. My parents have helped out so much - giving me little breaks when I need it, and taking time with each of my littles. Now, as August is just around the corner, I'm breathing a contented sigh of relief.
And now, nothing remains but for me to prove how awesome this summer has been with a flurry of photos captured with my workhorse of an i Phone. And, I'm sorry for the duplicates. :)