Hello to everybody! I am taking this moment to relish the feeling of finally being able to blog again! It's been a long two months, that's for sure. I apologize for my neglect, but we've been through summer before. You know that I hardly ever get time to blog!
I've been working at Valley View Bible Camp again this summer. It's been quite a different experience this time, though. I headed up the Leadership Development Program of 2008, which was absolutely amazing. There was a lot more responsibility on my shoulders, but I do well when given extra responsibility. It's better if it's just laid on me rather than me taking time to mull it over and get stressed out. After all, I am a perfectionist, and I do have the tendency to get bogged down in the decision making process! I went into the program desiring just to be obedient to God. If you think of the goal of summer camps to simply be converting as many kids as we can to Christ, then the whole ministry is pretty disappointing. We as Christians are called to be obedient to God--"sowing" where God shows us, "watering" where necessary. HE is the one that causes the ultimate growth. The knowledge that God is sovereign and will work the way He has ordained is the only thing that has kept me going this summer. I have seen Him at work in the lives of all my LDP participants. What a strange feeling it was when I found out that He taught them exactly what was on my heart to teach, except I never found the right words with which to teach them! God definitely knows what He is doing.
I also had the opportunity to be a cabin leader during one of the teen weeks. This was such a refreshing experience for me. Wow, did I ever miss being a cabin leader! Leading LDP is a little bit different than having a group of girls that come to camp for fun (and sometimes boys). I wasn't exactly enthralled at the idea of being back in a cabin, let alone during one of the most draining weeks of camp that there is. So, in my weakness I cried out to my Father.
Jesus, break my heart for these girls. Break my heart for what breaks Yours. Be the Love I need for them, give me that Love even before they walk into my cabin for the first time. I need You because I can't do this. I will be obedient, God, because You have called me to be obedient. Have Your way, Father.
I believe that God led me to pray in this specific way, because He was faithful to provide all of these things. I have never been so spiritually refreshed while doing ministry!
Apart from camp news, Joey and I are exactly half a year away from our big day. 6 months, that's all! God has been revealing so many new things to us. It's difficult to always rest in Him, though. I often begin worrying, or planning beyond what God has laid out for us thus far, or I nearly forget that we do not belong to each other yet. It's definitely been a challenge, but we have so many loving people to keep us on track. I am so blessed by all of my Christian friends.
Well, that's pretty much 60 days in four paragraphs. I wish I had an eternity to write and a infallible memory, but I have neither. Thank you for being so patient with me (as if you have any other choice!). I hope to blog more often, but I doubt it will happen. Once I'm back at school and a normal routine (camp is not normal), I think I will find more time to do things. Until I write again, God bless you!