at the mercy of God

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Snow doesn't seem quite as threatening when there's no need to go anywhere, at least in an automobile.  Joey and I are doing quite well, thank you, nestled at the top of our hill. The view from our "chalet" is really quite breathtaking--about as close as we come to mountains in this province.  We're basically living in one big room, and it's fantastic.  It's very cozy, and the cat seems to think it's the cat's meow.  With all the room to roam about, Sheba's become even stranger than she was before.  She's taken to staring me down, torpedoing herself across the floor and jumping starfish-style in the air, the only reason being to intimidate me.  She also loves to propel herself onto our bed and roll, jump, and claw furiously at whoever or whatever she finds there.    She's also acquired a couple admirers, but that is not so pleasant.  The sound of toms battling it out for our pretty little feline is an eerie sound to wake up to in the night, especially if your having strange dreams.  Little do they know she's spayed.  Take that, smelly cats.

Joey and I have started to read John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress together, spurred mostly by the comparison of The Shack to this timeless classic.   Apparently the former "has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" did for his."  Thanks, Eugene Peterson, for that quote, but I beg to disagree.  Show me how The Shack reiterates Scripture through and through, accurately quoting from Old and New Testament alike, focusing on the depravity of humanity, the judgment of God, and redemption through Christ's death and resurrection, and I might believe you.  Maybe the book is supposed to reflect today's generation, which is admittedly different from John Bunyan's, but that still disturbs me.  God does not change--EVER--which leads me to believe that the way we relate to Him should not change.  Ahhhh... I get too caught up in my own words.  I believe and serve the God who beautifully knit together the entire Holy Bible, which is sufficient for salvation and for every other thing I need in this life.  I will leave it at that for now.  

Because my understanding is limited, I will devote myself to the Word of God, and no one else's.  I will not even go to John Bunyan for Truth... just the Word.  

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