...zero steps back!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

So, this whole making small changes thing is working pretty well, I think.  I have not touched a dessert/tuck in two days, and I've only had one serving at each meal (which isn't that hard when your plate is piled sky high and it's not really your favourite food to begin with).  I'm going to allow myself a treat today, however, because it's my husby's birthday and birthdays simply REQUIRE birthday cake!  Which I am baking at this very moment.

It is from a box.  Don't judge.

Today's goal is to cut down my salt intake severely.  I'm going to forsake the salt shaker completely... within reason, that is.  Food has it's own flavour, surprising though it may seem.  I'm going to discover (and love) that flavour.

Well, I'm off to attempt to ice a cake.  If I succeed, I will be extremely proud of myself.


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