thankful to be home

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sixteen hours of driving.  In one weekend, that's a lot.  With a baby, that's insane.  Thankfully, Judah only had to deal with half of that (in four hour stints) thanks to my parents' willingness* to look after him.

We dropped the babe off with his grandparents and hightailed it off to a wedding in Saskatoon.  The weird part of this trip was that three quarters of it was in extremely dense fog.  Like, I'm talking 100m visibility at times.  That becomes quite inconvenient when it's pitch black outside and your headlights refuse to pierce through the swirling mists.  Refuse, I say.  We prayed.  A LOT.  And, guess what?  We came out alright!

I think it's important for new parents to get little breaks from time to time--mostly for sanity reasons.  For us, getting to sleep in that extra hour or two when Judah is being looked after somewhere else is HUGE. The Cuteness insists on waking up at 6:00 every morning, which is fine, but it leaves you seriously desiring some morning relaxation, NEVER to get it.  Also, SURPRISE, becoming parents changes the way a husband & wife's relationship looks.  Some people really struggle with their loss of time for intimacy and really get beaten down because of it.  Joey and I have found that, yes, intimacy look different, but it is equally good.  It's just different, and that's not a bad thing.  It's never a bad thing to have your attention diverted from yourself and what you want to someone else and what they need.  A break like the one we just had is like Extra Special time for us, as opposed to the Special time we usually have together.  I suppose that Joey and I have it pretty good.  I am so thankful for my partner in life, my best earthly companion!

The wedding we went to was... a wedding.  They are pretty much all the same after a while.  I was extremely happy to see my good friend Mandi so beautifully adorned for her bridegroom.  Marriage is such a beautiful thing.  It's awesome to see two people finally become one who have kept themselves pure for that very moment.  Beautiful!  Unfortunately, I have no photos to share.  Someone** (cough cough) didn't think it necessary.

For now, I'm happy to be back home.  My house is cozy (and newly sided! yay!) and the Christmas season is quickly approaching.  I want to focus on establishing Christ as the one and only reason why we even celebrate this season at all.  Plus, making traditions is just so totally sweet and so totally for newlyweds (at least in spirit if not in reality).

I am so. blessed.

*more accurately translated EXTREME!!!!!!! desire and excitement
**and Someone Else completely forgot about it.


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