bring on the chub!

Friday, September 09, 2011

If you think that babies gaining weight is just about the only thing I find exciting these days, YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Who doesn't love baby pudge and the way their little rolls squish under your lips? Not one human being, I say.

That being said, I must inform you that Benjamin gained almost a whole pound this week (again!). He is getting so big! I'm thinking it's time to upgrade to the 3-6 month size already because his little toesies are so very hard put. His torso is also almost too long for me to button up his onesies. Judah's never really had this problem. He got really rolly polly around six months old, but he was popping buttons because of his girth and not his length.

Speaking of Judah, he's quite the stellar big brother. He likes to help me burp the baby (although I must always monitor how "gentle" he is patting him), find his soothie, bring him blankets, and rock him in his bouncer when he's crying. I found him trying to pick him up yesterday. I thought it was cute, but had to nip the intention in the bud because, hello, TODDLER + FIVE-WEEK-OLD is a frightening thought. I mean, it's one thing to pick up a kitten by the neck and entirely different thing to pick up a baby in like fashion.


  1. You should ask my mom about how I helped her with Nate...

  2. She told me that story, or at least one of the many stories. It fills me with fear.

  3. The good news is that they both survived... and treat small people more gently now!


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