these days are numbered

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Dear world,

I am neglecting my weekly church bulletin duties to bring you an important announcement:

Benjamin (you know, the newborn? the not-even-four-months-old one?) is no longer immobile. Although I am still in warm squishy baby bliss, I am now painfully aware that these days are numbered. This morning, Ben was not even interested in getting off of his back. He did not at all enjoy tummy time. I helped him to get his legs twisted so he could figure out rotating the rest of his body onto his tummy, but he didn’t really seem to understand what was going on. Imagine my surprise when, not four hours later, I found him on his tummy after I had laid him down on his playmat so I could take a mo to do my hair.


If you see my little, bald, dependent, immobile baby, please to be letting me know.





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