as I wait for my husband to get home

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Today I felt overwhelmed right from the get-go. Joey left for work 15 minutes early (and let me tell you, I noticed every second of those 15 minutes), wasn't able to come home for lunch, stopped by for half an hour in the afternoon, and has not been home since (it's now 9:45).

I know from experience that days like today aren't usually my favourite, and today was no exception. I felt exhausted and weepy for the better portion of the day. Still, even though I was in a decidedly melancholy mood due to the absence of my husband, there were moments of great joy that burst through at the most unexpected times - and it just so happens that we caught some of them on camera!
Benjamin was a fan of the spinach/banana puree I decided to try out on him. He looks skeptical in this picture, but if he could, he would tell you that it was a highlight of his day, I'm sure.
Judah was ever so pleased to have his daddy home, even though it was for such a short time.
I seriously love this kid's big blue eyes. So different than my own... so beautiful!
The evening sun was beautiful, as usual. I took a moment to give our dog some lovin'. 
  Some of the awesome things about today?

  • Both of my babies were in bed and ASLEEP by 7:15 PM
  • There were leftovers for lunch (a rarity)
  • I watched and was moved by one of my favourite Jane Austen novels depicted through film
  • There were monster cookies to be found and consumed by yours truly
  • the Word of God is AWESOME and ALIVE
  • Judah and I were besties
Some of the not-so-awesome things about today?
  • Benji is teething and ever so cross
  • I changed SIX poopy diapers
  • I miss my husband
  • ...
And would you look at that! The good definitely outweighs the bad and I am definitely not to be pitied. :)


  1. I love having my baby in bed by 7! It's amazing what having the entire evening to yourself can do, especially with a grouchy teething baby to tend to all day. Your photos are beautiful, and I love your honesty in the hard times, but your positive attitude. Inspiring :) xoxo

  2. Thanks, friend! I always feel like the world is ending until I sit down and thoroughly think through the day/circumstances... and then I usually find that I am blessed.


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