Can it really be three months ago that I first laid eyes on you, my sweet little Lydia? Is it true that you are no longer a newborn?
Sometimes I sneak into your room while you sleep, just to watch you taking those tiny little breaths. It is impossible not to get teary-eyed when I realize how quickly you are becoming a little girl. You've stopped sleeping 20+ hours a day and have nearly adopted a 2-3-4 sleep schedule - just like your brothers. You are also sleeping through the night from 7:00 PM to 5:30 AM. When you wake up, you are the happiest little muffin I've ever seen.
Your smiles are abundant and beautiful, and bestowed on almost anyone who will stop and give you undivided attention. If someone takes the time to talk to you, you will most assuredly start talking back. It is clear you are already well on your way to running circles around your male counterparts when it comes to language.
Your hands have become very interesting, useful, and tasty as of late. You are on a quest to find The Best Finger for Sucking. I think this may end up with the thumb, but I'm trying not to encourage it. You absolutely refuse to suck a soother, and I am so glad that you don't need it to fall asleep or stay sleeping. As for putting other things in your mouth, anything is fair game, although I'm pretty sure you prefer to suck on blankets and things that crinkle. Other things that your are not expecting will make you gag, and often throw up. This has made it difficult to give you the syringe-style vitamin D supplements without issuing a geyser. Thankfully, there are other forms of those that you are ok with.
Right now you are pretty easy to take care of: you don't roll or crawl, you are content to sit and watch the action around you, you don't need solid food, you aren't teething, and you sleep amazingly. You are entering my favourite baby age, and I feel like every day with you just gets better and better. Your brothers adore you, and you them, although I think you have a soft spot for Judah. Your daddy is so proud to be the father of such a wonderful little baby girl.
It's been a wonderful three months, little one, and we are so thankful for you.
Oh the unbearable cuteness! Makes me all weepy and brings back memories of my own little squid. She's still getting better and better.