a hymn of steadfastness

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Why should I sorrow more?
I trust a Saviour slain,
And safe beneath His sheltering cross
Unmoved I shall remain.

Let Satan and the world
Now rage or now allure;
The promises in Christ are made
Immutable and sure.

The oath infallible
Is now my spirit's trust;
I know that He who spoke the word
Is faithful, true, and just.

He'll bring me on my way
Unto my journey's end;
He'll be my Father and my God,
My Saviour and my Friend.

So all my doubts and fears
Shall wholly flee away,
And every mournful night of tears
Be turned to joyous day.

All that remains for me
Is but to love and sing,
And wait until the angels come
To bear me to the King.

-Charles Haddon Spurgeon


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