Happiness, or Joy?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What's with the lack of joy in Christians? This is an issue that has been popping up everywhere lately, it seems. Many a time it has been blamed on the church.... the pastor... the congregation... but I am going to suggest something entirely different.

To do this, I must first define "joy". Joy is not happiness, although both are often lumped together. Happiness depends on happenings... on immediate surroundings. Joy, on the other hand (at least joy as it was intended to be) is a complete contentment and depends on the state of a person's relationship with God. Joy is not carnal... it's spiritual.

I would like to suggest that the real problem of the life lacking joy lies with the person not experiencing joy. Because joy has to do with a person's own spiritual life, and because God is faultless, the only thing that can hinder it's developement is the person--not the pastor, not the church, not the congregation. If you are not joyful, then critique your own relationship with God, and not other people's words and actions. True joy will flourish without encouragement from man!

Once again, sense may be eluding my simple blog. These are just some thoughts, and they are not the gospel! If you want absolute truth, then go to the Source. Go to the Bible! Ask God to open your mind to His truth. He is the one that holds the keys to life!

Until next time...


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