
Thursday, June 14, 2007

I had the opportunity to sit in the basement of Al Friesen today and be sideswiped by the wisdom God has imparted to Him. When I left his house, I could not fight the feeling that having a relationship with Christ Jesus is the most deep, precious, glorious, CRAZY thing I could ever possess. It's more than an attitude... it's a life. I want to stomp my foot on compromise! It one of the worst diseases to affect Christians today! Compromise in the smallest area is sin... AND SIN IS SIN! ANY sin alienates a person from the heart of God! One compromise sets the stage for another.... and another... and pretty soon we've turned a blind eye to the most BLATANT of sins! THAT is how such crazy things have seeped into the church! Compromise! Fear of man before God! Catering to the world! Why don't you STOP the landslide and ask the dear, precious forgiveness of Christ? WHY DON'T you give HIM your all??

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