
Friday, February 08, 2008

I look outside this morning
to see tall, warmly clothed evergreens
frosted in shimmering white.
Royal purple sky melts
into brilliant pink,
backdropping serene hills
quietly lapping at the edges
of this quaint little valley.
As the sky lightens
and the vibrant colours fade to pastel hues,
the edges of the giants of the prairies catch fire,
set ablaze by the enduring rays
of the morning sun.
It is one last dance,
a final measure in a beautiful concert
of divine music, unheard by man,
but absolutely deafening.
The whole creation sings praises
to the glorious name of the Great I Am,
and all the people can do
is stand in awe.


  1. you should be some one who desribes things for a living.

  2. Oh my! I really miss living in the country. Thank you for reminding me of the splendor God has placed in the world.

  3. WOW, Andrea, your description is so BEAUTIFUL, it gives me shivers-He is so Awesome! Hardly a day goes by in our house without one of the girls making a remark... either about the sun rise or sun set on... "God is again making a beautiful painting in the sky".
    Love you,


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