today is a good day

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I am home! Four days of sweet time with family are mine. I love Millar, but it feels good to get out of the bubble for once.

Yesterday, my mom and I drove all the way to Brandon for a braces appointment. It's kind of annoying that I can't just go somewhere in Regina, but it's also good because I really love Manitoba. Anyways, I found out that I get my braces off on March 24! That's three months early... hooray! I'm super excited. And, after being super excited, we proceeded to drive all the way home. Grrr... when you know the landscape, the drive is very monotonous, especially the second time in one day.

Ahhhh... I'm so relaxed today. I've got so much time to get ready... and I'm going to go buy some pants! My favourite ones have surrendered to evil holes. I mourn their passing.

Anyways, I hope you all cherish this beautiful weekend!


  1. Mmmhmmm! I got two pairs. Old Navy jeans are the best!

  2. You should have said Elvis Holes

  3. why elvis holes? I don't understand you!!!! (shrieks, runs away!)

  4. Manitoba is dah BOMB, but of weather sucks big time (see blog).


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