This post is entirely dedicated to my wonderful feline, Sheba.
This morning I was trying to play a game on the wii (trying, but failing), and I got so frustrated that I put my head back and said, "why? WHYYYY?" A childish action, to be sure. When i lowered my head to it's usual position, I found Sheba staring at me with an expression that said "You're pathetic", "I can't believe you're the one that feeds me", and "Are you through?" all at the same time. It made me laugh for a good minute, through which she continued to glare at me. My own cat can put me in my place. How sad.
Sheba is not my only pet, however. Gilligan the beta fish taunts her in his cozy little tank with the latched lid every day. She's got it out for him. If the house gets mysteriously quiet all of a sudden, I know where to find her. Peering at him through the glass, Sheba looms overhead and licks her lips. I realized the severity of the situation this morning when I awoke to find his bowl pushed to the very edge of the dresser. Yes, Sheba would have had an early morning snack, but that would be all she got for the entire day. Poor Gilligan.
Did you know that cats can have alter-egos? Sheba's is known as Jean Fast. You can tell when he's taking over by the little smirk that creeps onto her furry lips. Then there's no going back. He rips around the house, watches nothing in particular with great animation, and attacks feet, hands, legs, and faces with no remorse. The only way you can get rid of him is to give him a time out. Then innocent little Sheba trots out of the room sheepishly.
The issue of greatest tension between us happens to be her food bowl. She is a little pig most of the time and shovels in her food as if her life depends on it. I am trying to wean her off to save her girlish figure, but she won't have any of it. Even if she's not hungry, she'll whine if her bowl is empty. I think it's just the concept of the matter that bothers her. GASP! An empty bowl??? How dare they! Meow MEEEEEOW! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow..... you get the picture. If she had it her way, the only thing she'd be able to do would be to roll around the house. I'm winning this battle, but only until she finally does eat Gilligan to prove a point.
She's being an inactive little bump right now, so I have nothing further to say about her at the moment.