a faithless fig tree

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sometimes all a person needs to do is find routine. I must admit that my life has been lacking this severely as of late. I mean self-imposed routine, not one forced on you by work or circumstances. It's been easy for me to back slide in this area, what with going to college and working at camp for the past 2 years of my life. But now that I'm a happy little housewife, I need--let me repeat--NEED routine! Suddenly "I'll scrounge up food when I'm hungry" just doesn't cut it. Nor does "it seems that I've got no clean undies for today" (not that this was ever good before!). I've got a hubby to look after! Although he's self sufficient, cooks like a pro, and courageous when it comes to doing laundry, I need to take care of his needs and start providing a comfortable home base that he can come home to and relax in. What a drag to spend part of the evening doing the whole (one? two? three?) day(s)'s dishes!

This is day #3 of my new schedule. It's far from perfect, mind you. I guess the main reason behind my new ways lies deep within me. My soul is thirsty for the Lord. When my life is out of order, when I can see mess, when I know I should be doing something that I'm not doing, misery sets in. It's an apathy spurred on by feeling stressed out about all I have to do. There's to much to do--so I do nothing. I worked the same way through college, but thankfully was always able to focus on that due date and pull together all my projects with flair (at the last minute, of course). Sadly, I can't take this pattern into real life. God's "due dates" are very vague. "Andrea, I'll require all that I've required from you when I require it from you." That's God's answer to my misplaced passions. In other words, He's going to come like a Thief in the Night. There is one small passage of Scripture that rocks me to my core dealing with this very subject: Matthew 21:18-22

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree
18 In the morning, as (Jesus) was returning to the city, He became hungry.
19 And seeing a fig tree by the wayside, He went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And He said to it, "May no fruit ever come from you again!" And the fig tree withered at once.
20 When the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, "How did the fig tree wither at once?"
21 And Jesus answered them, "Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen.
22 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

In the past I've always slightly ignored this passage. I don't know if it was because I truly couldn't interpret it, or if my heart truly didn't want to grasp the message engraved in it. This story is repeated in different books of the four Gospels, and the line "for it was not the season for figs" is added to the text in verse 19. How unfair! Jesus expects something from the fig tree that has never been expected from ANY other fig tree in history! Come on, Man, it wasn't even fig season. Give the tree a break!

That was wear my interpretation stopped before the Lord revealed this passage to me. And then I realized that if I suddenly found myself before the judgment seat of Christ, it wouldn't matter if I was living in an "off" season or not. God expects things from His children that He would never expect of an unbeliever. He expects the impossible. He expects perfection! If you don't believe me, read the Old Testament. Those expectations have not changed to this day. Don't you think that's a rather unfair requirement? Much like looking for figs on a tree when it isn't even fig season? Don't be fooled. God doesn't accept our limitations--self imposed or circumstantial. "But, God, I've just... well... it's... it's been so busy. I've got no extra time! And then there was that cold I got--remember that? You should have known it would bring down my energy. God, why are you being so unreasonable? It just wasn't my ministry season." Do you see any of those statements actually being acceptable in God's sight? On the contrary, I think the whole argument is abominable. God will curse you and say, "depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!" and you will wither.

That is why this passage is so frightening to me--IF you leave it at that. It's frightening because there is no way that I could ever, ever, EVER be perfect no matter how hard I strive. That fig tree could have never produced fruit out of season even if it was the best fig tree in the whole country. Why? Without faith, we cannot please God. Jesus gives us the answer: By faith you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Lord, I am a helpless, sin-prone human being. My attempts to please you amount to nothing in my own strength. Father, please, for the sake of Your Name, enable Your servant to walk in victory over sin.

God requires perfection of us, and He is going to come by, looking for fruit, when we least expect it. Have faith, serve God, do not give up hope.

My aforementioned "routine" will mean nothing if I am not bowing my heart, my will, to God. I will be as dry as that fig tree when my Lord comes unless I live by faith.

Midwife appointment #2

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hello, all!

Wow, a full day of painting goes by, and I am exhausted! Our tiny little piece of soon-to-be home is nearly done being painted, which is no small feat when you consider that absolutely EVERYTHING in there needed at least two good, thick coats. Why do people put plywood up on walls?

We saw our midwife yesterday. Again, I must affirm that midwifery is the way to go! No regrets here. It was a really encouraging visit! All my blood work came back with no red flags (even my iron levels are good, which surprised me), and every other test I've had has told me that I'm in good health. Who knew?

Kari (my midwife) took one feel of my belly, paused, and asked, "You sure about your dates, love?" To which I responded, "Y-yes, pretty sure... I mean... I could be wrong... possibly...!?" Apparently my baby is big, because she thought I could be two weeks further along than I'd been planning on. That makes quite a difference at this stage in the game, especially considering that my baby grew from the size of a lemon to a naval orange in one week. Baby was also very active when we went to listen to her heartbeat. Thankfully I can't feel these kicks yet--and I only say that because the amount of kicking would be excessive for a soccer player. I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience when I feel that first thrust! I just hope it's on a calm day. :) Now we're just waiting for the ultrasound to identify exactly how far along my baby is. This is all so exciting!

I'm being a bad wife right now. My hubby's out slaving away in our tiny, fumy house, and I'm sitting here blogging. I think I'll take a look at what's hiding in the fridge and see if I can make it look more spectacular than it actually is.


Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Since I don't yet have a baby to flaunt, I will flaunt my kitteh.

Russian Luxury

My blog is currently undergoing a makeover... sorry for the ugliness you'll have to deal with in the meantime. On to the show...

I think the Russians have a very different idea of luxury than I do. I picked up this package of pillowcases for $5 a couple of days ago at Wal-Mart... Please notice the calm, classy packaging...

Like I said, these babies can't be that bad based upon the packaging. WELL! Let me tell you... I open up the package and find... THESE!!!

Thanks, Wal-Mart. I feel somewhat cheated. They were even folded strategically so I couldn't see any part of the BRIGHT RED RUSSIAN WORDS through the transparent packaging. It WAS good for a good laugh, however, and at least Wal-Mart's return policy isn't very strict.

The moral of the story: don't trust packaging!

Of babies, baking, and pestilences

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The summer camp season is over for another year. It's my fourth year in a row at this place, but this year did not look like any of the others. To start off, I'm pregnant--that means abnormally low energy levels, aversions to many random foods, and daily fluctuation of emotions. My involvement in the things I love, such as getting to know campers and participating in the occasional wide game, was seriously compromised. But now I have nothing to complain about. I have no pressing responsibilities and I live in absolutely gorgeous countryside. Hooray for a season of rest--and just plain strangeness due to the baby growing inside of me.

We've been dealing with an abnormal amount of little furry pests this year. So far, Sheba's winning the fight in our place with a total of 4 catches, vs. Victor with only one. Still, there's more to be had. I'm just refering to the pests in our chalet. There's been 6 caught in the tuck shop--one of which only got its tail stuck and proceeded to crawl under the freezer and die. We were wondering where that trap went--and where the stink was coming from. Sigh. There has also been capital "P" Pests around/in the lodge, although we didn't know about the "in" part for a while. Again, the mysterious stink has been identified. These Pests are falling prey to an old trick known as POISON. In my dislike of both pests and Pests, I definitely prefer pests. No doubt about it.

Mmm... I am in the process of baking my first successful batch of buns. Okay, I don't know if they are successful yet, but I'm sure hoping! The last time I tried (my first attempt) I mistakenly put half the amount of yeast in than was required. Silly me. They were only tasty while piping hot. After that, well, the NHL could have made good use of them. On that note, I will leave you. I will not risk burning them!

UPDATE: The buns are delicious and Sheba caught another little pest! She may reconsider placing it in Joey's shoe, though...
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