all kinds of weird

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Good morning, everyone.  I'd like to start out by saying that the internet is a pretty cool thing.  So cool that people from Canada, US, Thailand, Japan, the United Kingdom, Russia, the Philippines, Austria, Germany, and France can all read my blog.  Thanks, Google Analytics, and "hello!" in various languages. :)

This has been the hardest month of pregnancy I have ever experienced.  I knew going into this the second time that the amazingly easy pregnancy I had with the Cuteness was not likely to be repeated, but I still (foolishly) hoped that would be the case.  This time I'm plagued with nausea and STRONG aversions to food of all sorts.  This time the heartburn has already started and I'm dreading that it will soon be strong enough to keep me awake at night.  This time I've suffered from severe back pain, had the stomach flu, and been poisoned by food (don't. ask.).  This time the exhaustion has hit me harder in the second trimester.  Pregnancy is all kinds of weird.  Even so, I'm enjoying every minute of being pregnant.  This whole bringing forth life thing is quite the privilege, really.

Judah is changing so much every day, and I'm, ahem, expanding to match.  Now when I see pictures of new little babies on Facebook, I can joyfully anticipate my own little new baby cuddles - ETA July 20.  I'm settling into this idea that we're a well-established family and not just newlyweds who are trying to navigate life together.  There are four (FOUR!) people in this house that we have to make good decisions for now!

My little Nutmeg is getting closer to being "half-baked".  There are only 24 (22? 25?) weeks left to this pregnancy!  I can't wait until our first ultrasound - whenever it is.  We're just waiting on a little white envelope with the words "Come on this day at this time" and "fill your bladder!" inside.  I'm really tempted to find out the gender this time, but the city in which we are being cared for has many, many rules against giving out that information.  So, if we REALLY want to know, we have to go to Winnipeg and pay $100.  Not. Likely.  It's actually kind of a relief to have money be the deciding factor in something like this.

It's almost eight o'clock, my stomach is growly, and I haven't had my coffee yet.  In other words, bye for now!


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