and then BAM! there were words

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today really should be wordless... but haven't I kind of been doing that for a while now? I'm sorry that I have been so silent. I'm beginning to see my blog as more of a hobby rather than something I require myself to update. It's rather freeing, actually! 

As you probably know, we were on holidays for a couple of weeks. I can't even begin to describe how necessary it was for us to get away from... from... well, here. Summer was kind of a dark period for me, with the glaring exception of the safe arrival of Benjamin into the world. I was struggling to come to terms with my roll as MOM and HOMEMAKER in the midst of the business of a summer camp. Let me tell you, the two struggle to be friends. Well, they can be forced to, but it comes with a lot of kicking and screaming. 

Anyways, it was tough for me to realize that I had to choose where I would put my heart. I really, really wanted to put it into both, but I couldn't. I don't think I ended up putting it anywhere, save in my self-pity. 

We didn't do anything spectacular for our little vacay, but we did what was best for us. We got together with our extended church family from my parents' church and were encouraged and spurred on just by the constant meeting with other believers. Joey and I were able to wind down while my parents enjoyed the company of both of their grandchildren.

Now we are back - and facing an entirely different of series of events. The director couple of Valley View Bible Camp is stepping down from their position. They've been at it for seven or so years, and now have realized that different areas of expertise are necessary to grow the camp. They were absolutely necessary for the continued establishment of this camp, but now it's time for a change. This is something that they have acknowledged on their own accord, making this a very good transition for everyone. Of course, we knew about this before we left for the Even Flatter Lands, but now it has been made public, so it seems just a bit more real. I am trying not to look ahead to the busy winter season with dread that I won't see my dear husband nearly as much as I would like. Change is good, but often never easy.

All of this has caused us to question where we are - in a good way. We are taking a look at our priorities, admitting the desires of our hearts, and seeking God's will in all of this. We still feel His affirmation for where we are. Until He directs us otherwise, here is where we will stay. I need to hold onto Him for strength and trust His sovereignty.

As for the boys? They are doing just fine. I have come to the realization that Benjamin is no longer a newborn. I actually got to see him beside a baby that is the same size he was at birth (but just a bit longer), and, yeah. He's HUGE.* He is also a very content and happy little guy. His smiles crack me up because they just look so goofy and genuinely pleased. Yesterday he refused to eat for the very first time in his short life - and when I say "refuse". I mean he SCREAMED as soon as I tried to give him the goods. It was all like "How DARE you shove that in my face!". It only lasted about five hours, and that I am grateful for.

Judah is changing daily. He's now started to do this really cheesy "Uuuuh huuuuuuh" whenever I ask him a question. It simultaneously annoys and entertains me. He is growing up waaaay too fast.

Sorry for the massive catch-up post. Now you know what's been going on these last two weeks. I am enjoying life, and I think I might be changing just as much as my boys are these days.

*Any reference to my babies being huge or chubby or stocky on this blog is not me being all "my kids are fat!". Having gone through a very scary period when Judah was underweight, I now rejoice at every single roll I find on my babies. They are healthy. I love that!


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