a three-month-old little Bundle

Friday, November 04, 2011

Dear little Bundle,

Today marks your third month of life - outside the womb, that is. Technically you're around one year old, but that would just throw everyone off! What a whirlwind three months it's been. You have changed from a curled up little snuggle muffin to quite the little boy! Yesterday, you caught hold of one of the rings dangling from your play mat, and you couldn't be more proud of yourself. It was quite the accomplishment.

What I love most about you is your goofy little grin. No matter how I'm feeling on a given day, you can always cheer my up by cracking a smile. You seem to find my faces and voice irresistible. I love love love that. I may not always be your favourite person in the world all your life, and that's ok because I am now.  That being said, these days are going way too fast.

You are quite the handsome little guy, just like your big brother. (I particularly like your peach-fuzzy head!) And speaking of your big brother, it's clear to me that you think he's the bees knees - even when he tries to force-feed you lettuce behind mommy's back. At least he cares, right?

Being your mama is at once wonderful and daunting. Everywhere I go, there you are looking up at me. Just like Judah. Sometimes I wonder how I'll ever bring you up properly... and then I remember God's grace to me. Oh, wow, am I ever thankful for that grace! I hope that every time you look up to me, you see past my bent to sin and see the God I love and serve. No matter what, looking up to Him will never leave you disappointed.

Side note: Look at those chubby baby thighs! Om nom nom!

Oh, little Bundle... Three months has felt like forever and no time at all. I am totally enamored with the blessing you are and the blessings that will come because you are in our lives. I love love love love love you.


  1. Three months already...time is seemingly flying by! I've enjoyed the two posts you've put up in the last little bit. Thank you again for sharing, and in doing so, spurring others on in their walk.

  2. Jude tried to force feed Ada a piece of onion a few days ago. lol

  3. Melanie, it would seem our toddlers are right on the same track! I'm glad Ada can empathize with Ben.


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