thankful thursday

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I am extremely thankful for our home. We have been blessed beyond measure by the board here at camp with this brand new 1200 square foot mobile home to live in. I really struggled with how long it took to get the ball rolling on getting us this place, but that seems like it's in the distant past now. I realize that there was never anything to worry about. Sometimes I wish that we owned our own place, just so I could paint walls fun colours and hang pictures to my heart's content. But then I realize that Joey would have to leave for work earlier, would probably not come for lunches, and would be home later. Then I realize that it would take a lot of work to paint a house how I wanted it. Then I realize that my home is warm, clean, and spacious... and I am so thankful.

It goes without saying that I am thankful for my two little boys... but I find I must say it anyways. I am thankful for them! When I was growing up, I never even imagined I would have boys. I would have cute little brown haired, brown eyed girls - naturally! Now I find myself falling so deeply in love with my blond(ish) haired, blue eyed boys that it makes my heart hurt just to think of it. Being a mother is what I was made to be, of this I'm certain.

What are you thankful for today?


Day Sixteen: Something New.

Overstated fact: We have a new dog.
Overstated fact: We love her.
She is loving her new digs.
She usually follows Joey
to work in the mornings
and hangs out with him all day.
She is doing many dog-like things,
such as chasing cats,
barking up trees,
bringing home deer limbs,
and howling at trains.
She is a perfect fit for our family!


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