a weekend recap

Monday, February 06, 2012

Don't you just love it when you don't have any plans, and even so spend your whole day happily occupied? That's how our weekend was. The only plans we had made was to have family friends of ours over for supper on Saturday. The rest of the day was spent going for a walk, doing "feels-like-Spring" cleaning, and making donuts. DONUTS!

Pumpkin donuts! With a buttermilk glaze!

Related: I have ingested enough grease to last me the WHOLE YEAR.

Also related: I am turning over a new leaf and making healthier food choices. Starting with grapefruit for breakfast.

Today my (non-food) goal is to seek God in his word and ask him how I should be spending my time. I don't want to be wasting the time I have been given at home in selfish pursuits. I know in my head that God has a purpose for placing me where I am, and the last thing I want to do is to deny that purpose.


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