the psychology behind free trials

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I really didn't like the edits that our photographer applied to our wedding photographs.  Don't get me wrong--the pictures were wonderful, but the effects were not so.  Thankfully, she gave us a disk with ALL of our wedding pictures on it, including the original SOOC (straight out of camera) images.  Yay! I can edit them and make them all that I ever dreamed of!  That is... IF I have proper editing programs.  Which I do!  For 25 more days!

I have been drooling over Adobe Lightroom 3 for quite a while now.  Said drooling often leads me to the Lightroom website, where I happened to notice a "free trial" link.  Whell!

So, now I'm hooked, and I'm certain it will be fatal.  Because Lr costs $300.

See what I mean?  Fatal.

But, in the meantime, I will turn photos like the one above into this: 

Just know that in T minus 25 days, I will die.

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