umm, you've got a pie on your roof.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

So, what's the census on my new blog layout?  I like it a lot.  It's simple and pretty, which is all I've been aiming for over the last year.  That's enough about that, though.

I am the new owner of a MacBook Pro!  I know, I know.  Right now, you're probably thinking, "she's a stay at home mom, and he works at a Bible camp.  How...?"  You are totally justified in your wonderment. Here's the scoop: my father, computer geek that he is, scored said MacBook for $800 less than a year ago.  Even though Apple is the epitome of technological nerdiness, he is just not convinced of it's worth, at least for him and what he likes to do.  Somehow or other we were able to strike a deal, wherein I would give him my (acer) computer and a predetermined amount of money, and he would give me the MacBook.  Now that is what I'd call a good deal.  The switch officially took place yesterday.  My files are transferred, the money is paid, and it is now MINE.  I don't think I can ever go back.

What does the title of my post have to do with all that?  Nothing.  It's simply the funniest thing I've heard all day.  No, it definitely was NOT our pie, and certainly NOT our car!  How could you think such a thing?


I'm currently waiting on a yummy tuna casserole to be finito and watching my mom thoroughly entertain the Cuteness.  This holiday has been refreshing on so many levels!


  1. New design is my favourite too.

  2. When I was in college, I used to go for a walk every morning. One morning, I passed by a frozen pie on the side of the road! It was still there when I returned, so I brought it back to dorm. It was a yummy homemade apple pie - I decided it had slipped off the roof of someone's car. I felt bad for the pie-less, but it was the perfect reward for waking up early!

  3. That's too funny. Ours made it from the grocery store to the bank! It's a bit embarrassing, but at least we gave some people a good laugh.


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