Emmanuel shall come to thee

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I realize that I have not written a Christmas post yet, and this is unacceptable.

It's especially bad because I've had my tree up WAAAY too long.  You'd think I'd be ready for Christmas by now, wouldn't you?  Wrong.  I only set up the tree that early because I knew the season would pass me by without me even realizing it if I didn't.  And, nope, I'm not sick of it yet.  It has served as a reminder to me that we're going to celebrate the birth of the Ancient of Days.  It's one of those things that I feel like I need to prepare my heart for.  And I suppose that the Christmas tree has absolutely nothing to do with Christ.  It's a rather silly tradition, really.  But, nevertheless, it's a constant reminder that even though life goes on, Christ's birth, life, death, and resurrection continue to hold power even to this day.

That's why I love Christmas so much.  It breaks my heart that the world has trumped GOD coming to EARTH as a MAN (yet still God!) with a jolly man who gives out presents every year.  Sure, I'm quite certain that St. Nick was a nice man.  So nice that his niceness became a legend.  So nice that people want to celebrate how nice he was.  Every year.  But, seriously?  He probably didn't do it to get recognition.  He probably didn't do it to steal the show.  But people saw the opportunity to avoid a topic that they'd rather not think about too too much and took it without a second look back.

What are we doing this year? That's a good question.  Joey needs to be at work from the 26th to the 28th, so we're sticking around here for Christmas Day.  We're actually looking forward to being just us three for most of it.  I'm excited to make traditions, even if we're not sure what those will  All I know is that
a. we have stockings 
b. there's a ham (ON. THE. BONE) in the fridge, and 
c. it's waffles for breakfast.
Other than that, it's pretty much open.  We'll probably head over to the husby's parents' for a bit on either the 24th or 25th.  Also, we're going to visit my parents after Joey's done work on the 28th (weather permitting).  I am so grateful that we get to spend this time with family!


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