
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1. A family of my own

2. A warm house and a roof over our heads

3. The hills where we live

4. The body of Christ, wherever it may be found

5. Plenty of food and water

6. That, even though I am a wretched person, I can be friends with God

7. Christmas! 

8. The skill to make presents I'm proud to give

9. My baby who woke me up at 5 and has been squealing in delight ever since

10. My best friend, who also happens to be the man I married

11. My mom - my other best friend

12. My dad and our intriguing theological conversations

13. A cat that makes my baby's eyes light up

14. Free medical attention when it's needed

15. The word of God and it's renewed impact each morning

16. The ability (and desire!) to be a homemaker

17. Having family close by

18. Living with Joey's "workplace" right out our front door

19. The gift of marriage

20. A warm bed to sink into and fall asleep in without fear for the next day

21. Untroubled dreams

22. The continual safety surrounding all of our road trips to see my parents

23. The money to bless other people this Christmas

24. The bigger house we will receive within the next year

25. My goofball of a baby

26. The wide open spaces here in the Prairies

27. Good friends to stay up (way too) late with 

28. The incredibly useful advice & many "hand-me-downs" (that I will inevitably hand back) from a certain sister-in-law :)

29. The anticipation of Judah enjoying his first Christmas

30. Nine months with this amazing little boy

31. Almost two years of wonderful marriage

32. Friends that are getting/have gotten married 

33. Getting at least one year of Bible education

34. I'm never done learning

35. God who forgives more than I fail

36. The amazing miracle of childbirth that I experienced before my 21st year

37. The pastor I call my dad

38. Good health

39. God who spoke so clearly to the prophets & apostles of old - and they wrote it down

40. People I can look up to

41. Persecution which brings about perseverance

42. Family living for God

43. A very intelligent little boy who already understands "no" and "daddy's home!"

44. Music and my ability to make it

45. All the things I take for granted - like a refrigerator, a washer and dryer, and freedom to read the Bible by myself

46. My caring in-laws

47. A car to go places

48. Photography (and our awesome camera)

49. God's mercies are new every morning

50. The miracle of new life

Thanks to Allison from OMyFamily for inspiring this post.  I need to be more thankful.
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