a brief note on dentistry

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today is momentous. It is a day of reckoning, a day to right some wrongs.

Today is the day, friends, that I actually look forward to going to the dentist.

One of my wisdom teeth has brought this on. It's been doing the "come up, go down, come up, go down" dance for eight years now. Yesterday it got worse. I was counting down the minutes until I could take another Advil. Then, in the night, the pain was multiplied ten-fold and I was in tears as I waited for the Advil to kick in and take the edge off. As of this morning I decided that I needed to find relief. I made one quick phone call and got an appointment for 3:30 PM today.

This little incident has made me think about how blessed we are in Canada to have such good health care. Yes, we may have to pay out of pocket to get our teeth looked after (unless you have dental coverage), but we STILL have the ability to get a tooth looked after when we need it!

I can't imagine living somewhere where there is no dental care available - at least to the majority of society. If I lived in such a society, I would be having to put up with this extreme pain with no hope of relief. I would have to take the risk that infection could form and could get into the bloodstream. OR, I would have to endure the pain of someone cutting a tooth out of my head without anesthetic. 

Self, you are blessed.


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