it felt like an intellectual moment

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Scene: It is late evening. Both children are in bed for the night (more or less), and Joey and Andrea are both sitting in a warmly-lit family room. Andrea is devoting much (too much) attention to a Sudoku puzzle. Joey is reading a book about Israel. Classical piano music fills the air.

Andrea (looking up in shock): What's this? You actually chose to play classical music?

Joey (in a high-pitched, self-protecting tone) : You were playing Sudoku, I was reading... it felt like an intellectual moment!

Andrea (rolls eyes): You're a dork.

Joey (fake whimpering): What?! 

Andrea (laughing): But a very cute dork!

The two tease each other for a few more minutes (the subject of which is not worthy of mention). Strange noises proceed from Joey. Andrea laughs/cries in shock and disbelief. A moment later, similar noises proceed from her. Cue explosive laughter.

Joey: The music definitely can NOT make this an intellectual moment anymore!

End Scene.


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