happiness is a warm puppy

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Judah likes to pretend he's a SuperDog around Benjamin. He comes up to him while he's lying on the ground and "hops" over, usually with a big STOMP STOMP and a giggle. Benjamin, of course, is enthralled by it all. He adores his brother, even if his brother treats him a bit rougher than is befit a five month old. I am not in the habit of encouraging such behaviour (surely you must know that), and "be gentle with the BEEEEEHBEEEEEH" is a daily mantra.

Ah, but it is a hard lesson.

With the stellar results at Benji's last weigh-in (off the charts for the win!), we've decided that it is OK to attempt to swaddle Ben back to sleep when he wakes up a'hollerin' at 4:30 AM. So far we have been successful, and little Bean wakes up at 7:30 AM all smiles and no worse for wear. He is even so gracious as to let me do vital things (i.e. pee) before I get him up - providing he has some poor crinkle toy to nom to death in the meantime.

The Cuteness is obsessed with puppies. If you are making small talk with him, you can most certainly expect the conversation to take that turn. "Shaun the sheeep? Orange (pronounced "hork", obvs.)? PUPPY?!?" He runs to the windows several times a day looking for the neighbor's dog. Little does he know that said dog is no longer here. Even so, nothing is able to dissuade the hope, elation, and happiness to be found in the Canines. 

How fortunate for him, then, that we are going to be looking at a puppy on Saturday! It's one of those random connections that happen a lot 'round these parts (A talked to B who talked to C who told B about D. B told A. A phoned D. D did not know who B or C was, but invited A over anyways). Truth be told, getting a dog so soon was not in our forecast... but because we actually get to speak with the owner about the temperament of the dog, we're tempted to call this a deal. 

SuperDogs. Life lessons. Baby rolls. Swaddles. Puppies. No matter what happens, it always comes down to dogs in the end in this house. 


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