this weeks lessons & blessings

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's been one of those weeks where I felt like I've learned a lot. Every day brought different lessons, and a little bit of sunshine. Hopefully sharing what I've learned/been blessed with will bless you, too!

I am finally feeling content with where I am in this pregnancy. I've been battling a lot of fear and doubt and pride over the last seven months. I saw my doctor on Tuesday, and she confirmed that everything is just as it should be. Baby is happy and mommy is healthy. My mom encouraged me this week by reminding me that my weight is not what determines my beauty. Yes, I am a vain creature. I constantly need humbling in this area and it seems that lessons such as these need to be repeated daily. 

The things I learned about baby this week? She is very low in my uterus and is in an all-round excellent position for birth. Benjamin was the flip-flopper of the bunch. It sets my mind at ease knowing that this little girlie isn't as much of a procrastinator as he was. I learned that dark chocolate might possibly be her favourite thing in the world. I could just imagine her kicking her feet in glee, just like little newborns love to do. 

My biggest lesson of all came from my children this week (shocker!). I saw how the Lord graciously answered Judah's prayers, and I felt His nearness when I called out to Him for strength in showing love to my very opinionated & willful three-year-old. I am sure that God cares very much for little children, and I finally knew in my heart that He is - will always be - very near to the needy mom who cries out to Him for help. 

And what of today? Today I feel positively overwhelmed by the blessing it is to be alive. It is my 24th birthday! When I looked out the window this morning I saw that the most beautiful hoar frost had turned bare and frail trees into beautifully enrobed giants. What a birthday present! 

It's progress.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The ABCs according to Judah from Andrea Sawatzky on Vimeo.

what life is like

Friday, March 22, 2013

I mentioned to Joey a couple days ago that life has started to feel like a never-ending, blind roller coaster. What I know is that my course is set, that Someone has orchestrated the whole thing. What I don't know is when the path will be straight and simple, and when it will suddenly drop into a fall or send me for a loop. One of the best things I can do is to keep my eyes on Jesus the whole time - thankfully, in the middle of an unknown darkness, He is as bright as day.

This winter has felt really, really long. I have heard elderly people say they have not seen this much snow since the 1940s. A quick glance out my window reveals that, yes, it is in fact snowing again. Just this last week we received our biggest dump of the season. The following day was incredibly bright and cheery - but so cold. We did what we could to enjoy the sun while playing indoors.

I am not sure if my weariness of the season is affecting me, but it also seems like this pregnancy has lasted far longer than it should. Really, there are several factors working against me: my due date was moved 10 days later, a good friend whom I was enjoying this wonderful stage of life with has been able to snuggle her newborn for a full two weeks already, I am carrying ALL out front and feel HUGE, and my hips/tailbone/pelvic bones/sciatic nerve are conspiring against me by making me almost immobile by 7:00 PM. I am praying for patience and for this baby to be fully formed and healthy when she decides to come out. I may or may not request that she comes a bit closer to the 38 week mark. Is this just setting me up for disappointment? Who knows. I can hope for the best.

One of my goals in these last few weeks before our family will, no doubt, change entirely is to get to know my no-longer-a-toddling-son, Judah. He is changing faster than I would like to admit. I have been trying very hard to explain this whole "new baby" thing to him. I tell him that babies need to spend lots of time with their mommies and daddies. I tell him that the only way they can communicate is to cry. I tell him that having a new sister might mean that his sleep will be disrupted and he'll have to be quieter than he wants to be. Upon hearing all of these bizarre things, he promptly climbed up into my lap, where he proceeded to spend a full 30 minutes snuggling and pretending to be a baby. Oh, my heart.

How quickly he went from an eight pound little nursling to a 40 pound three-year-old! 

It is quite possible that spending a few days organizing all of his newborn pictures into a photo book has reinforced this line of thought.  I just cannot deal with these emotions!

Teaching these boys to play with and love each other is an ongoing battle.  It has become really important that we have two of everything. Judah's at the age where his little imagination has made him extremely attached to certain toys. Benjamin is at the age where he wants everything and is NOT okay when things get taken away. He is also blissfully ignorant of what it actually means to "share". Love is a word often repeated here. The best way to teach it is by example, and that can be a hard thing to model when the house is full of shrieking cries of injustice! 

Then, for a moment, we are able to give up our own desires and cooperate. I am always hopeful that they will see how blissful it can be, and then endeavour to keep it that way at all times.  It's a nice notion, but I think I will be playing referee for quite a few more years to come.

Sometimes you just need to lure your brother into hiding in a box, then sit on the lid. You know?

As difficult as these early years can be, I need to stop wishing that they would be something different. One day I will get up in the morning and usher teenagers out my front door. I just know that I will look back to the uncomfortable beginnings of this family and wish that I could please, please, play referee to exuberant toddler shenanigans. I will long for the days when my babies would fall asleep on my lap during church. I'm so afraid that I will blink and all of it will have changed. I'll be an empty nester, the house will be silent and clean, and my children will look like this:

(According to Joey, this is Judah and Benjamin in 20 year's time. Such heartthrobs!)

No, I think I shall try to be quite content right where I am.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Sometimes the way these boys play is a whole lot of warfare and not a lot of love. There are always those moments, though, where they forget about possessing toys and realize that they really just like having fun together. It is my privilege as a mom to photograph those moments.

a picture is worth...

Saturday, March 09, 2013

I am taking on the daunting task of gathering all of our photos and compiling them into one, big photo book. The only good thing about doing this is finding gems like these:

Top: Brand new Judah Bear.
Bottom: Brand new Benji Bean.

Once again, I am in awe of God.

rambling thoughts at the end of the day

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

According to my baby's due date, there are 79 days left in this pregnancy... not that I have much confidence in due dates. If this little one is indeed a girl, I have hopes that she will decide to make her appearance earlier than her stubborn brothers made theirs.

Sometimes, when Joey tells his coworkers the ages of his children and that we are expecting another one, the response is this: "You do know what causes that, right?" I find that to be terribly offensive. We like our children. We want to be parents with little ones. We are thankful that we have been blessed with another child. It is not irresponsible or abnormal for a husband and a wife to have children. We have the means to provide for them, and we love our growing family.

A friend of mine gave birth to a baby boy last night. It made me weepy to think of the grace of God towards us, sinful people that we are. I can't help but be in awe of a new little life, knitted together by God in a mother's womb. I am so anxious to meet this little one, face to face.

I have felt so very different throughout this pregnancy. My biggest complaint with all of my pregnancies has been the health (or lack thereof) of my skin. It is intensely sensitive to lotions, weather, ingested foods, and anything that dares rub up against it. This time it is even worse than before. I am also battling a lot more fatigue, which is probably easily explained by the two children I spend my days chasing. Whatever the case, it's taking a lot of convincing to make my mind believe that there are still three-ish months left to go. 

I am in awe of the miracle that's taking place inside of me. It never gets old. 


Monday, March 04, 2013

1. alone in the pool
2. kick your feet
3. sweet benji boy
4. watching grandpa's wake
5. hold on for dear life
6. learning to float
7. up so so high
8. brother hugs
9. splashed by daddy
10. toddler toss
11. just keep it together, man

judah's third birthday

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Judah's birthday was the right combination of family time, friends, food, presents, and (of course) chaos. I had so much fun making this a special day for him. He had his favourite foods for breakfast (cinnamon buns, sausage, eggs, yogurt) and got to eat as much cake as he wanted at his birthday. Before you gasp in astonishment, let me reassure you that the pressure of playing with his new toys (or protecting them from his friends) was too great to allow much time for cake gobbling. 

We are so blessed to have had three years with this wonderful little boy!

1. i need a new facebook profile picture, mom
2. reading birthday cards
3. a quiet moment with a new toy
4. three!
5. i am a balloon
6. let us remember what it looks like before we devour it
7. ben getting his shenanigan on
8. a valiant attempt at blowing out sparklers
9. the cabbage patch
10. passing the toddler-patience threshold

I love March

Friday, March 01, 2013

It is the best month of the year.

I love March so much. I love the mild temperatures and the big, splashy puddles that form everywhere. I love the dirty and disappearing snow piles and the brown grass that peeks through. I suppose March isn't a very pretty month, but when winter is losing it's grip, it's hard not to romanticize the month in which it does so.

And, the real reason I love March is because my birthday happens to grace it's 28th day. Not only that, but Judah's birthday falls on the 2nd, and at least five other relatives share in this month of celebration. Growing up, it was often the month that held Spring Break and Good Friday/Resurrection Sunday. Once April hits, March has done all the hard work of lifting everyone's spirits after half a year of winter.

So! Here's to warmer temperatures, birthday parties, new life, and hope! Welcome, March!
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