this weeks lessons & blessings

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's been one of those weeks where I felt like I've learned a lot. Every day brought different lessons, and a little bit of sunshine. Hopefully sharing what I've learned/been blessed with will bless you, too!

I am finally feeling content with where I am in this pregnancy. I've been battling a lot of fear and doubt and pride over the last seven months. I saw my doctor on Tuesday, and she confirmed that everything is just as it should be. Baby is happy and mommy is healthy. My mom encouraged me this week by reminding me that my weight is not what determines my beauty. Yes, I am a vain creature. I constantly need humbling in this area and it seems that lessons such as these need to be repeated daily. 

The things I learned about baby this week? She is very low in my uterus and is in an all-round excellent position for birth. Benjamin was the flip-flopper of the bunch. It sets my mind at ease knowing that this little girlie isn't as much of a procrastinator as he was. I learned that dark chocolate might possibly be her favourite thing in the world. I could just imagine her kicking her feet in glee, just like little newborns love to do. 

My biggest lesson of all came from my children this week (shocker!). I saw how the Lord graciously answered Judah's prayers, and I felt His nearness when I called out to Him for strength in showing love to my very opinionated & willful three-year-old. I am sure that God cares very much for little children, and I finally knew in my heart that He is - will always be - very near to the needy mom who cries out to Him for help. 

And what of today? Today I feel positively overwhelmed by the blessing it is to be alive. It is my 24th birthday! When I looked out the window this morning I saw that the most beautiful hoar frost had turned bare and frail trees into beautifully enrobed giants. What a birthday present! 


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