judah's third birthday

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Judah's birthday was the right combination of family time, friends, food, presents, and (of course) chaos. I had so much fun making this a special day for him. He had his favourite foods for breakfast (cinnamon buns, sausage, eggs, yogurt) and got to eat as much cake as he wanted at his birthday. Before you gasp in astonishment, let me reassure you that the pressure of playing with his new toys (or protecting them from his friends) was too great to allow much time for cake gobbling. 

We are so blessed to have had three years with this wonderful little boy!

1. i need a new facebook profile picture, mom
2. reading birthday cards
3. a quiet moment with a new toy
4. three!
5. i am a balloon
6. let us remember what it looks like before we devour it
7. ben getting his shenanigan on
8. a valiant attempt at blowing out sparklers
9. the cabbage patch
10. passing the toddler-patience threshold


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