the many adventures of Judah the Cute

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Guys, just look at the beauty we're surrounded by!

I didn't even have to photoshop those!  Absolutely stunning.

It's been quite the hectic day for the Cuteness.  He got his first round of shots today, and that makes for a very sad, snuggly baby.  I love this little guy so much.  I thought I knew a lot about love before, but I now know that my capacity to love has grown and is filled to overflowing.

{Judah demonstrates his tummy skills.  See? He can hold up his head AND his hand at the same time!}

We had our very first family camping experience last weekend.  CSSM Corporate training was held at Dauphin Bible Camp this year.  Joey, bebe and I were given a very nice tent trailer to call our own while we were there.  (By the way, we're totally hooked on tent trailers now.  We figure we could fit five kids in the one we stayed in. Tee hee.)  Baby had a really good time, although he got a teensy bit over-stimulated by the end of it.  I would definitely do it again, but preferably in the early fall.  Here are some pictures of our getaway!

{Stupid Silly mosquitoes.  Baby had to be wrapped up all weekend.}

{Enjoying the outdoors AND tummy time!}

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