and I'm baking a cake at this hour?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh, readers, I'm so sorry for the blogging lazies that have set in.  I'm not going to make any promises of future devotion because, quite frankly, then I'll just seem like even more of a jerk for breaking my promises. So.

This is really quite the busy season.  But not really for me.  Honestly, am I ever busy?  I mean, yes, I'm busy all the time taking care of my babe(s?), but as far as All Those Things With Which Adults Fill Their Time (whatever they are), my schedule is quite free.  The biggest thing on the agenda this month is my friend's wedding.  This particular wedding was widely speculated by pretty much the entire community of MacG, and thus the celebration before said occasion is, ahem, substantial.

Oh, weddings.  How... quaint they are.  Now that I'm married, they don't seem quite so magical as the once did.  You know, once upon a time when I was a doe-eyed beauty dreaming of my Prince Charming.  And now?  Well, I've had a baby (I look it) and Prince Charming is mine.  Weddings.  They once was aaaaaallll the rage.

I was taking a walk down memory lane (ugh! did I actually use that droll saying?  and who says droll??)  today, reading through a few of my pregnancy posts and looking at all of Judah's Brand New pictures.   Friends, it made me want more.  MORE. BABIES.  Actually, what that little side-trip did was make me extremely thankful for all that God has done in my life.  Where He's led me.  Who He put in my life.  Reminiscing is truly an amazing gift that we humans are blessed with.  We can remember!  It's awesome.

Alright, I sense a lack of focus here.  Howz about you and me go get us a sodie pop I just stop rambling, yeah?


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