one week already!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It has been one whirlwind of a week. The Bundle is now seven whole days old, and sitting back at his birth weight of 8 pounds 6 ounces. Hooray! He showed signs of jaundice very early on, which did not surprise me. I have a feeling any babies I will have will be predisposed to turning quite yellow. Thankfully, it's moving through Ben's system really quickly, unlike it did with the Cuteness. He's a good little eater, that's for sure!

Having a new baby is entirely different this time. For starters, my body handled this birth much better than my first one. I have recovered quicker than I ever thought possible. My emotions are as crazy as last time, but I feel more free to talk about them and actually admit them to my husband. It was so hard to fight the knee-jerk reaction of "I shouldn't be feeling this way, so I won't bother anyone with it" last time. Now I know how important it is to get these emotions out of my over-tired, overwhelmed, and over-stimulated brain. SO important.

Ben seems to be a very happy baby. I can already see how his personality is different from that of Judah. Oh, and today he gave me his very first awake and aware smile! At one week old! He's been smiling tons in his sleep, but this one was definitely meant for me. :D I am so blessed!

I promise to write up a birth story just as soon as I have time to wrap my head around everything that has went on in this past week. Like I said, my brain is overwhelmed and overstimulated lately.

Isn't he just the cutest thing?


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