I'm going home!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

In a stunning turn of events, I actually AM going to go visit my family on my own - with Judah, of course. When I typed that post yesterday, I started thinking "Why can't I go visit them?". Then it was a case of talking to my husband about it and seeing if it suited my parents for me to go this weekend. It does!

This girl needs her parents. I know that women often live far away from their parents and survive just fine, but that's just not something I can do. I need their friendship, their advice, their company. I need the laughs, the corny jokes (sorry, Dad), the likeness of mind and character. It is very sad that Joey can't come with me - he enjoys being with my parents, too! - but he'll also be busy with cooking for a rental group at the camp this weekend. I'm taking the opportunity, but it's going to be so strange to be without my husband! That practically never happens. We are bestest buds.

So, long story short, this week seems a bit brighter now with that to look forward to. Yay, spring!


Oh, for anyone who cares to care, the camp board is making the final decision on ordering our house this evening. Please pray that they say "YES" and get on it right away so that we'll be settled in our new place by the time this baby is born. I think it will put me over the edge to have a new baby AND have to move AND set up a house. Also, stress affects me physically and I'd really like to make nursing work this time around. Being stressed out is kind of a party pooper for milk production.


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