the mark of a Christian

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Sunday was a strange day. We were physically storm stayed here at camp, while the rest of the world around us seemed to keep functioning without a hitch. Most places didn't get much snow at all, while others just got rain. It was like this little storm was sent to keep my husband and I at home for a reason.

Instead of fellowshipping with believers in community, Joey and I had time to seek God together - I mean, really get into His word. I think we were both deeply convicted on certain areas of our lives. The Holy Spirit worked in us to bring about that conviction.

Now, it could just stop there. I could have these moments of grave conviction in which I admit that I am living in rebellion towards God, but do nothing to turn from those errors. In that case, I would be no better off than I was before, and conviction would turn into condemning guilt. I think that's something I have struggled with throughout my life. I see my sin so evidently before me, but I forget that with Christ's forgiveness, I am told to "go and sin no more".

The mark of a true child of God is that she agrees with Him about her sin, and then immediately changes that behaviour in obedience to His Word. This is what's called repentance. Knowing your shortcomings but not acting on them will only leave you assured of your destruction. Repenting from them and trusting in God's mercy through Christ to cover you leaves you assured of your salvation.

What do you choose? Death or life? Guilt or repentance? Yourself or God?

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post. I choose God, but so many times my days show that I chose my selfish self.


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