some sentences

Thursday, April 07, 2011

There could be as few as 12 (if this baby makes it full term) and as many as 17 weeks left to this pregnancy.

We are now the proud owners of a barbecue.

Total weight gain at 25 weeks: one pound. Total weight gain last pregnancy: 40 pounds.

Our vehicle is acting strange but the mechanics can't find anything wrong.

I have a thing for Safeway deli sandwiches.

I'm getting anxious to be in our new house (which hasn't even been ordered yet).

So anxious that I've decorated every. square. inch. in my mind.

My son is picking up sign language like crazy.

I'm not as desperate for the snow to melt as I thought I would be at this point.

Tea, toast, and hard boiled eggs were the dinner of choice for this prego.

We missed church on Sunday and I have decided that this Sunday cannot come fast enough.

Every place I set my foot greets me with the sound of crunching cheerios.

My husband just pulled up, and this blog post is thus concluded.


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