things on a thursday

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life just kinda seems to be happening right now. Kinda happening without me doing anything to help it along. 

Our new house is being ordered on Saturday. Saturday! What's more, the camp board has made a super awesome Task Force that has vowed to get everything in place for the home to come by June 1st. Oh, and they are planning on building us a deck as soon as possible because WE ALL KNOW that if it doesn't get done now, it is likely to never get done. It's just how it goes. The only drawback to ordering the place on Saturday is that I will be visiting my parents and therefore unable to be there for the final decision making process. I have to trust my husband. Don't worry, it's not hard to do (plus we were just at the business and had a chance to peek at the options available to us. Joey has been thoroughly reminded of all of the options *we* definitely want).

Judah is, surprise surprise, especially cute these days. I can just imagine you rolling your eyes right now, but it's TRUE. I'm not biased. Here's proof:
  • he says "uh-oh" when things drop or he falls or something bangs. It is deathly cute. DEATHLY, I say.
  • when he's hungry and it appears that Mommy is making no efforts to get cracking on his meals, he will go to the "corner" we tuck our "high" chair into, pull it out, and sit in it.
  • he has just developed the dexterity to build with his Mega Bloks. And, lo, the joy expressed on his little face is priceless.
  • he loves puppies and makes regular trips to the front window to "woof woof" and see if there might possibly be one outside
  • he knows that all things with wheels go "vroom vroom" (which is more or less true, except with our farm animals that, unfortunately, have wheels) and therefore vroom vrooms constantly when we take a trip in the car.
As for me, I'm becoming obsessed with all of the DIY projects I plan on undertaking once we move to our new house. I will be making a fabric headboard out of this fabric, some stump side-tables like this one, and as many drop sheet sewing projects as I can justify making. Just for funzies, I'll make some letter lamps for my children - but that's going to have to wait until we know whether the first initial will be an "I" or an "L" for our new little one (guess all you want, I'm not telling!). Yep, I am super pumped about this new place and making it HOME. 

So... that's pretty much it right now. Today I'm planning on simply cleaning the house before my trip (TOMORROW! eek!) to make the departure easier for my husband. I asked him if he wanted me to pre-cook all of his meals and freeze them in dinner-size portions with appropriate labels. If you know my husband, you a) will find the humor in this, and b) can imagine the sarcasm in my voice whilst saying it. For those of you who don't know, he's a chef. Yep. He even went to school for it. So... yeah. He wears the cooking pants in this household.

Judah just handed me a pig (with wheels) and said, "vroom vroom". Some day I will teach him that pigs say "oink" and not "vroom vroom". Or "la la la". But not today.


  1. I love this post. I love the "uh-oh." I remember my little brothers and sister during that stage and it was adorable! I love the fabric. I love the headboard. I love the fabric with the headboard and how the stump tables will compliment it in a shabby chic way. Great job!

    Also, just because it's fun and you are baiting us, I will cast my vote for Isaiah Kenneth and Leah Michelle.

  2. Pigs definitely don't say vroom. They definitely say lalala.

  3. Mission Musings, your vote is noted. I do like the middle names. ;)

    Annemarie, I must invest in that book ASAP.


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