weekend links

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hello, friends! I'm gearing up for an awesome weekend away. Well, it's not totally awesome because I'll be leaving my husband behind (it's already made me tear up half a dozen times). But, seeing as I'll be with people I rarely get to see, I'm assuming I will not be taking time to update ye ol' blog.

For your enjoyment, however, I've compiled a lists of blogs that you should check out while mine's on vacation. These all can be reached through the "wanderings" tab at the top of this page (for future reference).

On matters of faith:
Challies dot com. This guy loves to share interesting finds (most faith-related) from all over the internet. I often enjoy what he posts. And, if you visit today, you can enter in his weekly giveaway!

Family and friends:
Life... unscripted. This blog belongs to a high school friend. She's art-tastic and cute to boot. :)

Blogs I heart:
Pure and Noble. This blog is a recent discovery, but I absolutely love what this lady does and how she does it. She's scripture-minded and loves to make use of everything she's been given.

All things food:
Joy the Baker. Delicious treats with recipes for the taking! Every recipe I've tried from her has been fabulous.

Design & creativity:
design*sponge. I can't really describe the awesomeness of this blog. You just need to go check it out for yourself.

There you have it! Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Wow... thanks for the shout out and extremely kind words. Glad you likey. Humbled. xo

  2. awe thanks Andrea! you are to sweet! hope you have a great time with your parents.

  3. You both are most welcome! Have a great weekend.


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