31 weeks...?!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We're into the 30's with no turning back now! As if that were possible... I was thinking that I would like post some updated baby belly photos, but I am sick to death of taking self portraits. Hopefully, after Judah's sound asleep in his crib tonight, the husby and I will get out with our camera and tripod and catch some gorgeous sunset rays. 

I'm constantly getting people saying to me, "you look fantastic for being in the third trimester!" I'm feeling pretty fantastic these days, too. I mean, I'm definitely a lot more tired, heartburn is vile, and my poor belly is all stretchy and itchy to match... but I just love being pregnant. A couple women from my church were talking about how they always envied those ladies that loved pregnancy and would say "I could be pregnant for the rest of my life". I kind of snickered a little bit and told them that I had definitely thought that, but I knew there were a few flaws to that philosophy. ;)

Oh, and I've been nesting! Glorious housework! How have I denied you all this time?!

My little boy has become quite the little man as of late. Wait, I say that all the time. Well, it definitely feels like his little character has grown so much in the last month. All of a sudden he's got ideas about things. The cat gets many earfuls that I can only guess are about these new ideas. And, now that he's bigger and more capable of getting into things he shouldn't, he does it all the time. Joey and I are working at being consistent in our warnings and punishments. Judah gets one warning, one gentle correction, and then a 2 minute time-out, if needed. I think the general rule is that a child should get one minute of time-out per year of age, but one minute is just kind of a waste of time with this kid. So, he's been upped to two, and it will probably stay that way until he's three. But don't quote me on that one.

My role of "mother" is in constant flux, I find. It changes as I change and mature in my faith and "mommy know-how". I truly do love it, though. I never dreamed I could love a little person as much as I do. It's such a privilege to have children!


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