catching up

Monday, May 09, 2011

Joey catered a wedding this weekend. As you can see from the above pictures, the couple had a light-hearted approach to their wedding (I don't know how you can't when your theme colours are RAINBOW!). It totally suited them. Arguably the best part about the whole event was the carnival-style mini donuts/slush puppy/cappuccino truck they had parked outside. Unlimited goodies for all! 

I've officially been blessed with my second ever Mother's Day. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I entered the church yesterday morning hoping to get nothing more than a wilting carnation to commemorate my "accomplishment". Instead, the pastor preached a message that challenged mothers (and, really, everyone else) to cultivate in their lives a heart after God. There were no "glory stories" and feel-good, warm fuzzies to walk out with. Instead, we were all reminded that God gets all glory for the work he's done in our lives - at least that's how it should be. 

Yesterday was doubly special: it also marked three years to the day since Joey proposed to me. Really? It was only three years ago? It feels like I've been married to this wonderful man all my life - I mean that in a good way, of course. Time has flown by. I am simultaneously wishing it would slow down and yet keep on trucking as every day brings more blessings than the day before - more or less. 

I leave you with pictures from the weekend of the two most important men in my life.


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