because you were just dying to hear about my clothing struggles

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I am so lame with my lack of picture taking as of late. I'm sorry, friends! I'm kind of exhausted these days, and I don't know if that's a good enough excuse for not taking pictures. This whole third trimester thing is kind of taking the wind out of my sails. Sometimes (if Judah cooperates) I take two naps a day. I'm seriously BEAT!

I attempted to provide myself with some comfortable summer maternity clothes today and discovered that SURPRISE! Maternity clothes are outrageously expensive - as if I didn't know already. So. After weighing my options and my desire to have shorts, I came home with two pairs of capri-length sweats. They are both  fit for public view, in my opinion, which is all I can ask for at this point. I also can recall spending the entire summer last year wearing full-length pants because I had no idea how to dress my new body shape and no desire to go clothes shopping post-partum. That was an uncomfortable experience which I do not wish to repeat. Yes. Active wear (and Superstore) FTW*! 

*that's "for the win". 

Words are far from me right now. I don't know what's happened to my desire to write lately. In my absence, you should consider picking up a really good book.   


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