dirt and big machines

Friday, June 10, 2011

Things are actually happening at our house site. Several loads of dark earth were unloaded there the night before last, and yesterday the Big Boys moved in.
It's outrageous how much dirt has to be displaced to dig everything into the ground. I'm trying not to think too much about what our yard will look like after it's all said and done.
Look! Pipes 'n things. (I know nothing. I smile and nod and snap pictures, ok?)
It takes many watchers to get the job done. ;)
Oh, and they all must drive trucks. It's prerequisite. (There were six there at the time.)
Don't be fooled: those trenches are deeper than you think! They almost echo. Or not.
A close-up of the Big Boy in action. I am admittedly afraid of big, noisy, swivelling machines.
Today it looked like almost nothing had happened. What a lot of work!
I'm so grateful for all of the hard work these men have put in! By their labours, this view will soon be ours. Hooray!


Oh, and have you entered my giveaway yet?


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