I really don't know what to title this post...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This morning Joey received a phone call from a board member saying "the house is coming today!", which was totally awesome, but not totally unexpected. I've been praying that it would come on Thursday (today) for about a week now. I don't really know why I picked Thursday, other than that's just what I desired. I decided that I would include my desire in my prayers and trust that, whatever happened, God knew just the right time to make it happen. So, yes, even though my prayer may have been a touch silly, I believe God heard it and responded in His timing. God hears silly prayers, too, if prayed in faith.

Knowing that our presence wouldn't really be beneficial to the men bringing the trailer, Joey and I felt ok to head off to Brandon for my 35 week midwife appointment. It's not like it was an option to miss it, though. Anyways, the appointment was kept and we heard Nutmeg's little heartbeat for the umpteenth time. Apparently I didn't gain any weight since two weeks ago... which is kind of strange to me. I feel like I'm eating well, so I'm not too concerned. It's just strange to compare the weight gain last time (40 pounds total) to this time (12 pounds to date) and wonder if everything's all right. Nutmeg is still measuring on the small side, which isn't a concern as long as s/he's growing (which s/he apparently didn't over these last two weeks). We'll know by next week if we need to go in for an extra ultrasound appointment to make sure everything's on track. Prayers would be appreciated!

After making a quick stop at Superstore, we headed to a different city to visit Joey's maternal grandmother in the hospital. She's really not doing so well... so many things are just not working properly in her body. It's possible that she'll go to be with Jesus in the near future - a thought that is as bitter as it is sweet.

In one day we experienced the promise of new life and the sobering reality of nearing death. Sunrise, sunset. God's sovereignty evident in everything we do.

We finally got back to camp around 5:00 and took a look at our new digs. I can hardly wait to get all of this transition over with and finally relax! I feel like I haven't actually... unwound in a long time. My current house stresses me out. Having nowhere to work on projects stresses me out. Being right in the middle of camp hubbub stresses me out. Soon, however, those three things will be at least improved, if not resolved. I just want time to simply be and not have to do. Sigh... it's going to be a long summer.

Aaaaand... what would be a "we're getting we have a new house!" claim if I didn't prove it with pictures???

There are a couple of rooms I didn't capture, but that can wait until a later date!


  1. Wow! Talk about an upgrade for your bathroom and kitchen! I am so happy that your house is at camp, and you are one (major) step closer to getting settled.

  2. I understand where you're coming from with the new life/nearing death comments. Mike's grandma passed away and went to be with Jesus at the end of February and it was bittersweet too. I remember thinking a lot at that time and since about how our baby won't get to meet her on earth, and I know she would have loved her new great-grandchild, so that was a sad thought. You are in my thoughts!
    Also, nice house! Judah looks in the picture like he's quite curious and itching to investigate every corner of this house (Joey too!). Enjoy your new place, and I hope you don't lift anything heavy or overdo it as you pack and move!

  3. Thanks for your sympathy, Criston. And, you're right, Judah is itching to be there! He was actually running around it like it was already his. He LOVES how he can run from one end to the other!

  4. I am so glad your house has come! It looks so big, especially compared to what you had. I think you will for sure be able to make this into a wonderful home for your family! God gives generously when we ask! Congrats!


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