the tidy one

Monday, June 13, 2011

As I was making the bed the other day, Judah saw what I was doing and brought me the decorative pillows needed to complete the task - even though they are super-duper fun to flop on when all over the floor. 


I caught Judah peeking into the garbage can. This is normally a big no-no (garbage ewwww!), so I was about to reprimand him when I realized he was actually throwing out a piece of garbage. I've seen him do this on several other occasions since, although I always check to make sure what he's throwing out is actually throw-out-able. ;)


He accidentally dumped cheerios out of his little snack cup this afternoon. Instead of leaving them on the floor or eating them up, he said "uh oh!" and began picking them up by little fist fulls and dropping them through the hole of the cup's lid. We both were down on hands and knees, cleaning up the messies. 


After ridding the diaper bag of it's contents one day, I noticed that Judah had an article that I knew to be all germ-y and gross. I took it from him, grabbed a wipe, and cleaned it off. When I gave the item back to him, he immediately grabbed another wipe and mimicked the act of cleaning it. 


If this kid keeps it up, I'm going to do just fine at housekeeping when this new baby comes along! 


  1. Judah must take after Grandma Weyburn ;-)

  2. Grandma Weyburn needed a good Monday morning laugh...xoxoxoxo


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