It's baby season, apparently

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why prolong this post any longer? I'm fairly certain that nearly everyone I know (who reads this blog) is aware of our happy news. Joey and I have a bun in the oven! Okay, I know that saying is a little dated, but I just couldn't resist. Buns are so yummy... but I don't intend on eating this one when it's "fully cooked". Eww. Bad joke.

I'm sure many of you are aware of random pregnancy side effects, and I have not been spared these in the least. I have really random cravings that I haven't quite figured out yet, such as (today) Gobstoppers, (and every other day) Hickory sticks, orange juice, grapes, yogurt, grapes, grapes, orange juice, yogurt, pears, toast, milk, and toast. And grapes. The amount of healthy things on this list pleases me, because I generally do not crave healthy foods. I've figured out a general pattern for the foods I can't stand, however. Grease, ground beef, farmer sausage, overcooked vegetables, grease, grease, and ground beef. The pattern: overpowering flavours mixed with undesirable textures. I count myself as blessed, however, because my morning sickness, although persistent, never quite gets to the point of imminent release. Enough said.

My mom and dad have been out for a few days, and oh my word did I ever miss them! It's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I'm pretty sure my insane hormones and baby bun have something to do with it. A hug from anyone else just doesn't do their hugs justice. Ever.

Whiny cat is back in our possession. We shipped her off to Grandma & Grandpa's (hee hee) for three weeks while Joey and I were engulfed in the Leadership Development Program. I was worried she'd come back all snobby and stuff, but she's back to her old, messed up self. I'm pretty sure she's rolling me onto my back at night just so she can sleep on my ever-expanding tummy because a) I NEVER sleep on my back, pregnant or not, and b) I keep waking up with her perched on top of me. Silly kitty. We may have some separation anxiety to deal with on her part when our NEW "pet" (as she'll see it) comes out. Poor kitty. Poor baby!!!!

That's just about it for news from my life. For news from Joey's life, check out his blog that he's abandoned. And leave an angry comment that makes him post again. Thanks!

there is joy to be found in sorrow

Thursday, July 09, 2009

It would be fair to say that my life is pretty crazy right now. All of a sudden, I am engulfed in camp--happily engulfed, mind you. I have a tiny flock of LDP's following me (and Joey) around and listening when we tell them to do something. There are only three girls in my care this year, but that in itself is a blessing in disguise. For undisclosed reasons, my energy levels have plummeted abnormally low as of late. Three girls is a wonderfully close and comfortable number to have!

In other news, my family has experienced yet another crisis, and it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel in this one. It's hard to see my family mourning... hard to see two young girls being ripped away from those they love. I found comfort in three different places. First, in the song "Mighty to Save", second, through Colossians 3, and third, by listening to the Hutchisons sing of God's providence. All three hold deep meaning to me... and I am too tired to write it all here now. Needless to say, God is GOOD and He will act to preserve His great NAME.

I will post at a later date because my body is trying to convince me it's natural position is supposed to be horizontal.
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